This action and dialogue may look a little familiar.
rita - archive
Surely this is a very safe and sensible thing Alba is about to do. Lunarians are nothing but sensible and pragmatic.
Sorry for the gap there for a while. I’ve been busy and there’s been some technical issues with the files for this project that’s been making it hard t really get in the groove on it. I’ve got these somewhat handled now.
Alba hasĀ absolutely no idea what Zaffo just did to the Jobclown.
And here we go with the last part of Alba’s first job on Earth! Time for her to show why the Clowns thought she’d be good at this sort of thing.
Surely Bailey has this situation completely under control.
This has been such a slow month. I was hoping to get this up several days ago. Edits and polish on this took a while though.
As usual, if you wanna punch Newsclown after reading his dialogue, we’re doing something right.
If you’re on my Patreon then you can see the roughs for this page and the next few pages over here. If you’re not on my Patreon and you have more surplus income than you know what to do with then maybe you want to help me pay my bills? Keep yourself and your loved ones afloat first though, some trans lady who posts weird comics on the Internet should not be your highest financial priority.
This is the end of part 1 of Alba’s first job! Each job will be three parts of about this size. We’ve got job 2 half way scripted and I’ve got to design some stuff for it; I haven’t set any kind of schedule for this comic yet so new stuff will start appearing when it is ready.