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If this were an animated cartoon, there would be music suitable for the introduction of a boss enemy in a video game about tiny spaceships shooting other spaceships when Alba shakes Jobclown’s hand.

Like, say, this one from R-Type Delta:

Anyway! If this is the last page then hello, you’re reading this comic on the day I finally got it properly set up on my website. Thanks for checking it out! There’s one more page to finish in this chapter and then we’ll be starting on the next one.

Lemme know the best way for you get updates on this – do you still use an RSS reader? (There’s a feed at the bottom of the page.) Should I make a Mastodon account specifically for this? Are you fine following my main Mastodon account and getting all the other nonsense I do? Should I be posting this on some corporate hellsite? Lemme know in the comments.
