The Turquoise Legacy

Here’s a bit of NSFW fiction I just free-associated into a text window. First draft, very much about ‘things that make me horny’, probably owes a lot to Anne Rice’s version of ‘Sleeping Beauty’ and maybe something to admiring the fashion sense of the heavy of Disney’s version as well. Seriously don’t read this if you don’t want a thought-dump of the dirty fairy tales I tell myself while I’m touching myself. Also contains a smutty drawing.
A story, my sweetlings? Gather round, and let me tell you of the Cerulean Emperor.

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a couple nakeds


Last night I was trying to work on a new website design but got, ah, distracted by the model sheet of a friend’s very curvy character I have in one the test post on the local copy of my site. Wanking off to it felt kinda weird so I drew my cobra/archaeopteryx character Kalinda with similar proportions instead.

There is a layer in the source file that has nothing but her junk on it. It is called “fuck”. I thought you might want to know that.


And this is from a couple days ago, this cute “furpent” showed up on my dash and I decided to draw her.


So there is this BDSM orientation test going around. It asks a bunch of questions about how you feel about various kinky things, then spits out some results.

These results are really not too surprising. The only thing I’d quibble with is that I’m much more of a “brat” in bed than a “brat tamer”. But I am definitely a bitey bitch who will leave you covered in clawmarks, and is perfectly happy for you to respond in kind. And for you to call me a “slutbeast” while doing so.

But first you have to convince me you’re more interesting than Illustrator.

(And here is a link to my results with more detailed explanations of everything, and a chance to take the thing yourself.)

is it wrong to draw porn fan art of your own work

My mostly-dormant pornmonger alter ego drew what might have happened at the end of chapter XI if another of Rita’s exes hadn’t shown up [NSFW].

I had to ponder Carol’s skin color for a bit; I’d been drawing her in “midtone”. I knew she was not A Honky but picking exactly the right tone took some time. I’m pretty sure she’s at least second-generation Martian, and haven’t put any thought into what kind of ethnic mix may have colonized that planet. Though I think I’ve also implied that her current body may not be the one she was born in, what with it being a normal Earth human height; maybe she just likes that shade of brown.

Also I think I am now finished with the edits for the second attempt at printing book 2 of Rita. I let myself finish this as a reward for that, in fact. Well, “finish” – there is stuff I could definitely still work on here, but it’s good enough for porn!

a vacation from reality

Last week, I went to San Jose for Further Confusion. Had a pretty good time; don’t know if I broke even or not, don’t particularly care. If I’m in the red I don’t think it’s very far, and if I’d actually bothered to find room-mates I’m pretty sure I would have made a profit.

But that’s not the vacation from reality I’m going to talk about right now. I’m going to talk about the one I took after I got home from that. I’m going to talk about my latest Skyrim character.

I now have a BootCamp partition that contains Steam, Skyrim, a mod management tool, and a bunch of mods. Primarily ones from a huge archive of adult mods. There will be pictures in this post. They will not be safe for work. You have been warned. There will be discussion of forced sex, prostitution, and worse.

Disclaimer: I do not think any of the things that happen to my character in this playthrough are a good idea for the real world, unless carried out by consenting adults.


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