99 cards. Based on the Thoth and Golden Dawn decks. Hidden images that only appear when the light hits it just right. Fully prepared to give you the finger.
A modern Tarot with a graphic, sci-fi flavor. Pretty much out of print as of April 2018, prices on Amazon and AbeBooks are utterly absurd. It was published by Lo Scarabeo over in Italy, and distributed in the US by Llewellyn. You can keep up with news about it on my blog, or maybe go Face-like it on Facebook.
I am starting to look into doing a second printing. Maybe a Kickstarter, maybe a new edition through one specialty publisher or another. Drop me a note if you’re interested; having a pile of requests will make it an easier pitch to publishers!
(really low-traffic, you might get email a few times a year when I finish a chapter of comics, and every now and then a few emails over the course of me running a Kickstarter)
There is also now a bot (Twitter, Mastodon) that tweets a card and its description once a day. I’ll probably mention the new edition there too when it starts to happen.
Also a fan made silicon-dawn.cards, which will give you a random card and its description when you load it. Neat!
If you’ve lost the book or just want to have the book in a searchable form on your phone, you can find a PDF of it here. Personal use only, please.
You might also want to download the images the Twitter bot uses (50m zipped) as an alternate quick-and-dirty phone deck. Some of the cards have expanded or edited text in this version.
If you want prints of a particular card, you can get them here! Or t-shirts, or shower curtains, or a bunch of other stuff that Redbubble can print on.