As I write this, the Kickstarter for book 2 of Rita is 103% funded – enough that the books are definitely gonna get printed. Thanks a ton for all your support, folks! If you wanna see spot gloss on the cover, then spread the word – pimp the comic to your friends, start a page for it on tvtropes, tell your favorite news sites, whatever.
Missing page?
Crap, you’re right. I must’ve forgotten to post the previous one in all the chaos of the past couple weeks. Or something.
Yep, I just plain did not ever post the previous page. I guess there’s two pages today now! Go have a look at the whole chapter and see it in context.
Aha! Thanks!
(Also, the Vespulines need to learn to stop putting backdoors in people when they don’t want those people to be terrified of them. Or at least stop opening the backdoors.)