It’s been way too long since a new page showed up here, hasn’t it? I’ve been slowly working on this page over the past month or so. I’ve also been working on future pages; folks supporting me on Patreon have been seeing these as they happen, in the context of full WIP chapters.
The next couple of pages are going to take a while. I think there is a pretty good chance I will finish the entire rest of the story before I finish them.
Anyway. I guess I should do my taxes now or something. What a great reward for finally finishing this page, huh?
(Slight edit because apparently the apostrophe in the old title was not being properly escaped, and was breaking some RSS readers.)
Wait wait wait what are these other rita tags there’s something crazy going down here
(I love this comic.)
YEP things are going PRETTY SIDEWAYS now. And thanks!
Is that how you crack up a hivemind? Force it to instantiate multiple incompatible mindstate versions?
It sure doesn’t help them stay coherent!
But there’s already a Rita in the collective.
Also, this really needs to be printed on a roll of paper, I keep wanting to get two books and cut them up and pin them on a wall somewhere.
There’s always room for more Ritas. Maybe.
The final omnibus is probably going to be about 3x as wide as the current books, so as to better show the flow of the different timelines. I’ve been planning this last volume with that in mind.
Oh my goodness. I just burned through the whole archives. I thirst for more Rita!
I’ve got the whole thing nearly done; the next page is something of a roadblock what with it having around 120 panels on it. That is not a typo. It’s a heck of a page, and it’s taking forever.
Hopefully I should get it done in a month or two.
My daughter with Decrypting Rita tee-shirt (sans sleeves): here.
Oh wow, awesome! Thanks for the photo.
Feliĉan naskiĝtagon, rimarkis futuristo!
Grandan dankon, delikata artisto!
(Hooray for machine translation. I know zero Esperanto.)