Well this one sure took a while. It didn’t help that my Monument Valley trip took longer than intended due to getting snowed in, and nor did me getting a cold and being pretty much useless for the week afterwards.
It also didn’t help that this is a complicated page with a LOT of stuff going on. I’d work on it for a little while and it really wouldn’t feel any more done than it was when I started; that’s kind of disheartening, and makes it hard to keep going.
But now it is done.
The next two pages are going to be at least this complicated, if not more so. But they’re also the two pages that I’ve been planning for since the beginning of the story; when I finish those, it’s all downhill from there.
Nice detail here. I especially like the care taken with the “green” timeline here.
BTW I gave my 16yo daughter one of those screen-art-on-black Decripting Rita T-shirts that you sell from Redbubble. This one: http://www.redbubble.com/people/egypturnash/works/12130262-rita-1-4-glitch?p=t-shirt Big squee. I am now officially The Best Dad Ever, or least for the next week or so.
I am delighted that a shirt with my stuff on it can give you BEST DAD power for a week!