5 thoughts on “Page 146

    • When I closed the store after dealing with the drawn-out process of shipping book 2’s Kickstarter copies, I said I’d be opening it up around the new year. I have temporarily opened it up with joke Black Friday/Cyber Monday prices, because I really kinda detest how huge the First Shopping Day For Christmas!!!! has become; I am toying with leaving it open with more normal prices for a few weeks afterwards.

  1. Gorgeous Page. I love the goddess. I had to go back and see where I had missed her on pages 141, 144 & 145. Simply STUNNING. It simply oozes Matt Howarth.
    Also, the arc of the pages reflects the arc of the wings of the ship very well. I love this page. Of course, I love the entire comic, but this page is a High Point.

    • In sequences like this, the first thing I draw is actually the overall flow of the panels, so the ship was composed to harmonize with that, not the other way around!

      I am also pretty sure that my use of Illustrator means I can knock out crazy hatch patterns like this a LOT faster than Howarth can with pen and ink. I used to do a lot of ink work, and I miss the look sometimes, but I don’t miss the sheer hassle of drawing all those lines myself. Not when I can do huge radial patterns like this in seconds.

    • Well. This is the first page where I finally understood what the “Face of the Goddess” was about…

      Before I just never realized what I was seeing…

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