You might be wondering why there weren’t any pages last week. That would be because I spent a lot of last work doing final approval and tweaks on the files for book 2 – the presses should be starting up soon, then I get to watch the books make their way from China to Seattle!
Just thought of this, by any chance, will you be at NorWesCon? I’m actually going courtesy of some local friends, and would be thrilled to say hi and Buy Your Book(s). :)
I wasn’t really planning on it; the couple times I’ve been, the artist’s alley was in a place with little traffic, most of which was people on their way somewhere else. Which is pretty much a recipe for really depressed and sad artists!
Well bleah on them! Oh well. I’ll explore the city (again) for a couple more days afterwards, but not sure how easy it would be to give you money for book(s) at a coffee shop or something.
If you can get around the U, that’s pretty doable. Drop me a line at, we can work it out.