Here’s the list of destinations Tom is picking from so you don’t have to hold your screen up to a mirror.
destination subjective time Straylight 3s Vesta 14s Czarina-Kluster 23s Funk Soul 372s Shaeffer’s Choice 2942s Höel 70042s Strangedown 78309s Eros Kluster 82409s Pasiphaë 146239s Sinope 146935s Amalthea 147001s Ganymede 147007s New Val Halen 147002s Callisto 147003s Shaeffer’s Choice 147014s The Moose Denied 147020s Europa Nature Preserve 147004s Himara 147271s Io 147692s Elara 147848s Leda 148234s New Amsterdam 183327s
Apparently Shaeffer chose both ways.
This is a mix of names I made up, orbital/asteroid habs from books that influenced me, and several of Jupiter’s moons – I guess Pallas is hanging out near the Jovian system at the time of this story. Which I suppose could give an enterprising nerd a guess as to the exact date this is happening, if I’d actually done any of those calculations myself. Which I did not.
And I don’t know about you, but I really do not want to visit a place called “Höel”. I think it was colonized by a bunch of Ren & Stimpy revivalists. shudder
Is The Moose Denied a nod to Invader Zim?
Oh, yeah, there’s that “Room with a Moose” episode, isn’t there? Nah, it’s not, unless it’s cryptomnesia.
Any particular reason the Europa Nature Preserve is out of order?
My first guess was that the list includes willingness of the destination to receive sudden visitors as part of a complex weighted algorithm rather than naively sorting by transit time. Second guess was typo, which I think means that I respect you quite a bit as an author.
Completely intentional as you guessed! A gold star is you.
No, actually, it just got screwed up when I was rearranging the destinations to put the best ones where they’d be visible; there were about eight more I came up with that were kinda stupid-sounding. WHO WOULD ACTUALLY NAME THEIR COLONY “CHUP SCUGGLE”.
I think I can get away without editing it in the actual image, too, since those digits are lost in the highlight on Tom’s arm. Score!
Hmmm. The more they jump between realities, the more the Panopticon seems to be manifesting in Rita1’s world. I suspect this is Not A Good Thing. I’m sure we’ll find out, but first I think Rita1 has some havoc to wreak in Green Rita’s world.
I read them before I saw that you kindly listed them in the description (which I greatly appreciate). I did, however, read the “Europa Nature Preserve” as the “Ewoks Nature Preserve…”
I also found it interesting that past 147000 they all plateaued. Though now that I read your list, I can see that they don’t actually quite plateau. But I guess a lot of them must be all near Jupiter? (I realize you said you didn’t do the calculations. So, I’ll not read too much into it.)
Looking at the list and my comments below the page, I think “near Jupiter” is definitely the reason for the clustering of stuff around 147k seconds of travel. I think the idea I was working with was “there are settlements on a lot of the moons, plus some notable space stations”.