And as I hit the magic hundred…

And as I hit the magic hundred…

This song totally sums up Rita1 and Carol1’s gestating relationship.

Also HOORAY, this is page ONE HUNDRED.

This page is a whole week later than it should be. Mostly because every time I’d look at it, it was scary and intimidating. And when I’d get a panel finished, there was still a huge amount of work left. Having ten panels on one page will do that to you.

I’ll be at Anthrocon this coming week, which will probably counteract the effects of going down to two Ritas per page for a couple of weeks – a cross-country flight plus the Biggest Furry Con There Is is probably going to leave me useless for anything more than playing video games for a half a week.

At any rate, if you’re going to be at Anthrocon, be sure to drop by my table!


2 thoughts on “And as I hit the magic hundred…

  1. And fireworks tomorrow, in celebration of me being born the next day! Woohoo!

    There’s more in the works. Current estimates are 60-80 more pages before The End…

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