This one took a while! Lots of finicky stuff. It would have taken less time if I hadn’t come up with silly titles for the books in the second panels of the lower tiers, but sometimes you just have to do these things.
I dunno if we’ll ever see Tom10 (Heckboy) or Tom12 (Steampunk Vampire) again. I had to draw the entirety of each Tom, so here’s that panel without the world-layer effects…
And also here is a shot of the library close enough to read it. If you can figure out what all of the titles are mutations of, then… you’re probably me.
ALSO here is a model sheet I finally threw together of Dragon Rita. I really need to make these for more of the characters, to be honest. I’m lazy.
Ooooh. I can’t resist the challenge! Let me see how many of these I know…
Zorp I, II, III: riffs on Zork, of course.
To Serve Dragons: To Serve Man, the Twilight Zone episode…
Unteleported Woman: Bester’s The Demolished Man?
L’Incal Rogue: The Incal, I presume?
Queen Of The Demonweb Bits(sp?): A riff on good ol’ module Q1 and Lolth…
The Right Hand of Boom: Left Hand Of Darkness?
Kief Emu: Keif Llama, Xenotech, natch.
Queen City: King City, the comic/GN?
Myff Abvengeance: Myth Adventures, surely.
Genus: Girl: Natch, Girl Genius…
A Brief History of Emusoft: Jeff Minter callout? What is it with Emus and Llamas? :-)
Molly And Her Pals: Polly and Her Pals, presumably, but was it also a riff on Polly and the Pirates?
Crying of Lot 23: Crying of Lot 49, certainly.
And I think I see a copy of Principia Discordia (and a Little Nemo volume?) tucked away in there somewhere.
The rest, sadly, I’m blank on…
Weel done – you made all of one and a half wrong guesses!
“The Unteleported Woman” is actually riffing on PKD’s “The Unteleported Man”; a Dick shout-out is kind of a MUST for this comic.
I used a French title for “The Incal” because my copy is a French edition, with the title “L’Incal Lumiére”.
And “Molly and her Pals” is only riffing on the Cliff Sterrett.
and oh man I am having SO MUCH FUN with the expressions in this thing!
Also, the Rita expressions in both worlds are absurdly awesome. So cool!
Aah the comic looks good bigger you should publish it bigger aaah (My screen is like 1900 pixels wide, I suppose that’s not true for everyone).
hahaha that’s how I get you to buy the large-size omnibus in a couple years!
Or the smaller volumes, which are still 300dpi and show more of the details…