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Chapter ℵ begins here.

I’m getting into some crazy spreads here. You probably want to go see the chapter view.

Also, I have decided to not bother with a buffer and just drop the entirety of the final chapter on you all at once. In the interest of centralizing discussion of this big wad of content I’m turning off comments on all the pages of this chapter except for the final one. As always, thanks for your attention in the four and a half years it’s taken me to make this thing.

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I’ve been sitting on these pages for a while while I worked on that spread at the end of chapter 25. That one took a hell of a long time, and at first I went ahead and worked on these pages to keep myself feeling like I was getting something finished. But eventually I ran out of these and there was just… That Spread.

I’m really glad to finally be able to show them to the world.

Comments off, please go to the last page to discuss this chapter.

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That’s it. The end.

I hope you’ve enjoyed this twisty little story of mine, and its deliberately oblique ending.

Thanks for all your time and attention, and your patience during the lengthy hiatus in chapter 25. I hope you’ll come along on my next projects. I promise their endings will be more… explained.

There will be a Kickstarter to publish book 3 somewhere in the next few months. Unless a Real Publisher with bookstore/comic shop distribution stuff sorted steps in to publish a single volume. I’m not holding my breath on that though.

Also,  thanks to Kim Kosamp for letting me borrow the many forms of NeoGeen for Kimℵ. Kim is an awesome artist who I am honored to be acquainted with. ???

And of course many, many thanks to Nick Brienza, who has been the unofficial editor and sounding board for this project. I’ll be resuming our shared project Five Glasses of Absinthe in the next few months.

And I can never thank Marie-Jeanne Trauth enough for all the time and energy she spent raising her weird-ass child to be whatever the heck she wanted to be. RIP, Mom.

-Margaret Trauth

<decryption complete
execution held
resume? (y/n)
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