Tonight I went out to have some pizza with Nick. I started doodling and this came out.

Then I looked at it and started humming “Sailing, Sailing over the bounding main” in a derpy voice, and it made me giggle, and we came up with Skeleboat’s backstory:

Skeleboat comes off as an affable moron but he is actually very intelligent. He just finds that people are a lot less likely to run away screaming from the bones of a forgotten Titan, fashioned into an immense, impossible boat, with a full-sized frigate perched atop its gargantuan hat, if he affects the tones of someone whose role in life is to be comic relief.

I do not know what Skeleboat’s name is. If I do a 3×4′ painting of Skeleboat, hang it in a gallery, and get asked to pitch a show based on Skeleboat, then I will hit the books and either find the name of an obscure Titan to borrow, or come up with a terrible pun in Ancient Greek and/or Latin. Or if I have a dream in which the Muses come to me bearing a scroll upon which Skeleboat’s true name is meticulously calligraphed in letters of gold, then hey, I have a dream journal next to the bed, I’ll write it down.

He may be a character in “The Hentadekaion of Prometheus”, aka “Prome’s Eleven”, a heist story set in Greek mythology that Nick and I have kicked around forever.


Anyway. Say hi to Skeleboat.