
Starting to experiment with contact lenses is having interesting effects: I’m starting to feel like I want to move my style around a little… and I feel like it may be time to get my nipples pierced.

The latter is probably a really bad idea on the week before three back-to-back conventions*. But I’m dropping this here to make it easy to remember ‘hey how long have I been thinking I want my nipples pierced again?’ if it’s still sticking around after cons are done.

I dunno. Seeing myself in the mirror without glasses for the first time in something like twenty years is subtly powerful. The last time I wore contacts with any regularity, I was still Paul. Now I’m Peggy, and I’ve worn glasses for the entire time I’ve worn that identity. It is also possible that I’m having a subtle reversion to Who I Was When I Was In My Early 20s due to this change in the apparent shape of my face, and now want to act like a Young Adult instead of a crazy fortysomething lady…

* Rose City Comic Con, Rainfurrest, and APE, if you happen to be attending any of those.

  1. It’s pretty amazing how transformative something as simple as glasses can be. I mean, I still don’t get how they fooled Lois Lane for so long (and I’m faceblind!) but there’s something to be said about how the eyes are the window to the soul – and glasses completely change the fenestration.

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