<> Stuff keeps happening!

After a couple people at Further Confusion asked me what was the deal with Absinthe, and made it clear they had no idea of my other projects, I figured I’d post this!

Decrypting Rita is my current comic. It’s about a robot lady (she might be an upload, it’s rude to ask) who is every bit as acrobatic as Absinthe. And has reality troubles.

The Tarot of the Silicon Dawn was published internationally by the Tarot specialty house Lo Scarabeo. It’s got some awesome printing processes that just don’t show up in still images!

Plus I am a very occasional burlesque performer under the name Anathema Tart. I’m working on building a light-up “magic” sword and EL wings for my next act.

And then as mentioned in the last panel, I’m also working on a collaboration with one of my biggest living comics influences, plus art for a dirty video game! Life is pretty happily busy. But I miss stretching myself to draw this comic.


edit, august 2013: Looks like Rita will be finished in early 2014, not 2013. These things happen. Absinthe is still next up, along with finally starting a dark urban fantasy I’ve been kicking around since 1995 – the last pieces of that puzzle fell into place. I’m planning to split my time between these two projects; “Drowning City” is a very bleak story that I will not want to spend several years straight in.

<> 1-33

Time to pour another drink.

So I’ve mentioned this a few other places, but not here on this comic: Absinthe is finally resuming. It’s been a lot longer than I intended it to be; life is complicated. I’ve got chapter 2 pretty much thumbnailed; once I get a good chunk of it finished I’ll start posting it. Probably around the new year.

If you want to see it sooner, you can go sponsor my Patreon campaign.

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